Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I don't know how it happened, John Lackey. Personally, I've never been a fan. (Although, lately I have grown to admire the fact that you seem to believe that you've never thrown a pitch that wasn't a strike. You could throw a pitch that sailed wide and smacked your third baseman in the chest and you would still want that call. People would be running over to check on Youkilis, who would undoubtedly be stunned and doubled over, and you would be standing there glaring and panting at the umpire because he had the gall to not call that pitch a strike.) Perhaps, you didn't kowtow enough to the media because it appears that you have somehow become persona non grata.

Evidence: When the Rob Bradford (and his OMG! desire to be besties with the baseball players) approved [Aside: I don't actually know that he's approved the article but if you get a chance to take a shot at Bradford and 'EEI, you should absolutely take it.] 'EEI blog makes fun of you--and I'm assuming that they're making fun of you because whenever I included the 'for sure', it was to make fun of you--something has gone terribly wrong.

But, Lackey pitched pretty well down in Pawtucket: 5 2/3 innings, 4 strike outs, 1 earned. He should be ready to come back on Sunday. Joy.

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