Thursday, February 3, 2011

All About Marco.

Marco Scutaro is a pitchman for a cellphone company in Venezuela, Movilnet. Over the winter the company ran a contest with the prize of batting lessons from Marco and the big event happened a few days ago.

*Media Blitz*

I can't really keep up with him in the video clip but he seems to say "Thanks to Sony Ericsson. This promotion was a dream for the fans and for me. So thanks to Sony Ericsson and Movilnet."

In this article (link in Spanish) he says, that injuries really bothered him last season but that he's now healthy and hopes to remain that way. He also says that the AL East is a really tough division and that everybody has to pull their weight.

I have minimal Italian so I would trust the translation even less than I would my rusty high school Spanish but in this interview (link in Italian) he talks about choosing baseball over soccer. He describes playing shortstop for Boston as "a beautiful experience" and "a great responsibility". His dream is to wind the World Series. And then the interview descends into one worthy of the Watster: What type of music do you like? He doesn't really have a favorite genre but he listens to Venezuelan music because it reminds him of home. What sort of food do you like? He likes Venezuelan food. How do you spend your free time? He spends it with his family. Do you have a hobby? (Admittedly, this is an interesting one.) He's got a soft spot for horses and owns three. I guess he grew out of the remote control cars.

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