I may have found a new Yankee to like. His name was Bob Shawkey and he pitched for New York from 1915 to 1927. Huh? Dude's been dead for twenty-nine years. How can he possibly be elevated to the status of liked Yankee? The only good Yankee is a dead Yankee, is that what you're saying? Maybe.
There's a book coming out on March 1, Remembering Fenway Park: An oral and narrative history of the home of the Boston Red Sox. In the excerpt (linked on the book's website) the author, Harvey Frommer, shares this little story:
"Yankee Bob Shawkey walked in a run in the 4th inning and became so irritated that he began yelling at home plate umpire George Hildebrand. The agitated Shawkey then took 5 minutes to tie his shoe on the mound. He resumed pitching and was credited with a called 3rd strike on Harry Hooper. That prompted him to sarcastically tip his cap and bow low to Hildebrand who ejected him from the game. Shawkey's parting shot was a swing at the ump who banged him with his mask. The crowd loved it. Shawkey did not. A one week suspension and a $200 fine was the price the Yankee hurler paid for his temper tantrum."
I'm just delighted with this Bob Shawkey; maybe not with the trying to punch the umpire bit but that bow must have been a spectacular thing to see. I can't imagine anyone on the current Sox staff having the guts to do that. It's pretty bad ass.
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