The man hasn't played a game for the Red Sox yet but I think that Adrian Gonzalez may have failed already when it comes to being an adopted Bostonian.
Gonzalez caused a minor uproar when he was quoted as saying that he wouldn't play in the All-Star game in Arizona this summer because of their law supporting racial-profiling. It turns out, Gonzalez was mis-quoted and will, in fact, fall in line like a good little soldier and
play in the game if invited.
He told someone (Edes maybe?) over the winter that he had had to close his restaurant in Arizona because his patrons were too afraid to frequent it. But it's cool now because, although he still doesn't agree with the law, he's not a rock the boat type person. He's not willing to put himself on the line for a worthy cause or to fight the good fight or something.
I've got to say, I'm kind of disappointed in him.
This is Massachusetts, baby: the land of liberty trees, two if by sea, and tea in the harbor. This is the place where a player protest against MLB for not paying for club employees to go to Japan was generally lauded. The man could have had one awesome year in Boston (necessary to get him an invite to the All-Star game) and then left or stunk it up for however long he remained, and still have become an instant folk hero. Think about it: Sam Adams, Paul Revere, John Hancock, Adrian Gonzalez. Instead he chooses to cower and toe the union line; no standing up for his principles or for what's right for him.
This may not have been a fight that he wanted to fight but it has landed in his lap. By being traded to Boston he was given a platform from which he could shout more loudly and a crowd which would have supported him immensely, as he railed against injustice (caveat: I have not read the law) but he has meekly deferred claiming that he's not "big into politics." Screw that and grow a backbone.
Now my whole rant may be tempered by my general dislike of the All-Star game (It's pointless and stupid and has anyone anywhere ever said "Oh boy! The All-Star game's on tonight! I can't wait!") and disappointment at the fact that I had already fantasized about the whole lot of them refusing to attend in support of Gonzalez and the mess that that would have caused. And I suppose that it's unfair to demand that Gonzalez care about something that he doesn't actually care about but he was just so cool.